Examples relating to code injection

Phil Brooke, 11 August 2021 (file paths updated July 2022)

1 What is code injection?

Suppose our program reads data from an untrusted source. Our program builds a command to run incorporating this data. The command could be an SQL command (“SQL injection”) or could also be any other interpreted command. Classic examples include (Unix) shell scripting.

2 Example — shell script

A web server can run CGI scripts. The web server passes the environment variable QUERY_STRING. The query string is the part after the ?


If the web server is configured to run this Bash script for “testme”


The intention is this script just writes back the text given to it…

i am the query string

but if someone sends the string

; rm -rf /home/*

then “bad things” happen because the command that is run is

echo ; rm -rf /home/*

3 Example – SQL injection

OWASP has lots of excellent resources relating to injection attacks (last checked August 2021).

4 Practical SQL injection example with PHP and SQLite

This example allows you to experiment with an SQL database and the effects of SQL injection. We use SQlite as the database as it limits the potential harm to a single file.

The example application is a visitor book. The user should be able to view current entries, and add entries: their name, a comment, and it should be automatically stamped with the date/time.

We will


This has been tested on a Debian Linux computer (PHP 7.3) but should work on other similar computers.

  1. Create the tables. In the same directory as the index.html file and the PHP scripts, run the following sqlite3 command:

    sqlite3 example.db ".read createtables.sql"
  2. In one terminal window, run the built-in PHP server:

    php -S localhost:8000
  3. Using your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000. This should bring up a menu offering a “view” link and a form to fill in.

  4. Examine our first PHP script, viewbook.php. Click the link in the menu to check you’re content with how it works — it should simply dump out the database.

  5. You can also access the database by running sqlite3.

    sqlite3 example.db
    select * from visitors;
  6. Now look at updatebook.php. This takes two fields, a name and a comment.

  7. Fill in the form (with something simple, like “Alice” and “this is a comment”. Click submit, then go back and view the visitor’s book again. You should see your new entry.

  8. Now a malicious user arrives. Note that the previous query (shown when submitting the form) looked like

    INSERT INTO visitors VALUES (datetime('now'), 'Alice', 'This is a comment');
  9. The update script doesn’t produce any output from the database (we’ll extract some data shortly!) but we can vandalise it. We want the SQL command to look something like

    INSERT INTO visitors VALUES (datetime('now'), 'Evil', 'Trash sekrets'); DROP TABLE sekrets;
  10. So we update visitor comment from What can I do to this demo? to

    Trash sekrets'); DROP TABLE sekrets;
  11. You may see an error in the PHP server, as the SQL interpreter sees a trailing '); after our DROP TABLE instruction. However, running sqlite3 and asking for the list of tables will show that our table of valuable secrets has gone!

    sqlite3 example.db
  12. Reset the database by deleting example.db and re-running the creation step.

  13. Our attacker would now like to access the secrets rather than simply vandalise them. The updatebook script doesn’t read and display the visitor book and the viewbook script doesn’t update it. But we can make the updatebook script dump the secrets into the visitor book then use the viewbook script to read them. We want to persuade the updatebook script to run something like this:

  14. Try out latest evil comment and then view the visitor’s book:

    ' || (select group_concat(valuable) from sekrets));
  15. …and we can now see the secrets in the visitor’s book.

5 How should we fix this?

The root cause here is trusting data from an untrustworthy source.

Blacklisting aka deny-listing or block-listing is where we drop or sanitise characters from the user input, e.g., we delete or escape characters such as ' which we have used to insert the attack commands. Whitelisting aka allow-listing instead says, “these characters are safe” and allows only those. Both approaches can have issues, such as how to safely process special characters that you do want to store in your database.

Prepared statements are a good method for SQL.

6 Exercise: prepared statements and fixing updatebook.php

See the PHP SQLite3 document describing the prepare statement. Modify the updatebook.php script to block the attacks demonstrated in the inputs data2.dat and data3.dat.

7 Additional exercise

8 Running on MS Windows 10 with PowerShell

I strongly recommend using Debian Linux (or a derivative)… as apt install php-cgi php-sqlite3 sqlite3 is easy… but if you must use Windows:

9 Files for this worksheet

10 Questions?

If you have questions, comments, etc., then email Phil at p.brooke@northumbria.ac.uk — I check this account most work days.

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